1) Open the SDK manager by clicking on the icon in the top right of Android Studio. It looks like an android head in front of a download arrow. (Or go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK)
4)Then find your build.gradle file. Use the navigation pane to the left of android studio. If it's closed click the icon that looks like the android studio icon to the far left of android studio (it should have text that is sideways, and normally says "1:project"). Then use the file tree to find the file [yourappname] > app > build.gradle
Android SDK Tools 26.0.2
5) Open the file and it should have something along the lines of "apply plugin: 'com.android.application'" as the first line. Then add a new line under "compileSDKVersion" type in buildToolsVersion "27.0.3"
i fix it! just like thisgoing to this local url: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools, and manually delete the folder 26.0.2 and then going back to android studio and click on the link to download build 26.0.2that fix it
After the download and installation is done, click the icon at the top-right of the screen that looks like a cube with a blue arrow pointing down, click the second tab which is "SDK TOOLS" and click the "Show Package Details" at the bottom of the pop-up (above the "OK" button). A list of versions will show. Check the API version you need and click Apply. In this case, 26.0.2
Step 4 >> Paste the folder in the build-tools In my case, The default folder name was "Android-10" after I extracted the file but I change it to 29.0.2 since that's the issue I wanted to solve
Also, on first build of the project, compile for the appcompat, design and support was set to 27+ (which IMHO is bad practice and is already pointed by the Studio as a bad idea), so using which tools that I have, I have set it to 27.0.1, and later to 27.0.0 just for the testing if it might work..
For those of you who are experiencing this issue in Android Studio, check your root build.gradle file and make sure it is updated to the above mentioned plugin version (3.0.0), in order to be able to compile against API 27 with the current latest build tools (26.0.2).
Required SDKs and support packages can be optionally downloaded during the Android Studio installation process. If you have not downloaded the required SDKs during the Android Studio installation, you can download and install the Android Command line tools (stand-alone SDK tools) by doing the following:
Google has stopped supporting the standalone AVD manager and SDK Manager GUI tools, with latest Android SDK tools. When using, latest Android SDK tools >= 25.3.0, support for launching AVD Manager GUI to create android emulators and SDK manager to download missing components are deprecated from Quantum Visualizer V8 release. You must install Android Studio on your machine to get GUI to create and use Android emulators. Click here for more information.
Gradle Could not resolve com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.3.1 This condition can occur if there is no internet connection or when the system is being used when the proxy is not set. To resolve, set the proxy, or connect the computer to an internet connection.
Error: Unsupported type net, etc. This condition can occur if the application is packing some internal files which are used in the android fwk, this would normally happen if the application is be packing *.xml which can be found in the following folder:..\resources\res\valuesTo resolve, modify the XML files to change the custom tags net to string.
Either install v23.0.1 of the build tools (the fifth row in your screenshot), or change your code to use the build tools version you already have installed (v23.0.3). This can be specified in your app's build.gradle file:
In Android SDK, the build tools with the correct version where shown as installed, but still I got the same error saying they couldn't be found. When I used the above solution, I found out they were indeed not installed, although Android SDK thought they were. Installing them solved it for me.
On my system, Android SDK Manager showed /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk as the SDK path, when $ANDROID_HOME was /Users/james/Library/Android/sdk. I just added a symlink for the correct build tools version.
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): WARNING: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (26.0.1) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (26.0.2) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.1. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Android SDK Build Tools 26.0.2 will be used. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): To suppress this warning, remove "buildToolsVersion '26.0.1'" from your build.gradle file, as each version of the Android Gradle Plugin now has a default version of the build tools. PackagingResults: Warning: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (26.0.1) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (26.0.2) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.1. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): File C:\Users\Mihai Andrei\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Checking the license for package Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 in D:\CodeWorks\android-sdk-windows\licenses UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Warning: License for package Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 not accepted. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): * What went wrong: UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): A problem occurred configuring project ':app'. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): > You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components: UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): [Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2]. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Before building your project, you need to accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Alternatively, to learn how to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to another, go to -ui/export-licenses.html UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): * Try: UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): * Get more help at UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): BUILD FAILED in 1m 35s PackagingResults: Warning: License for package Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 not accepted. UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c "D:\Epic Games\Unreal Projects\BroBotsApp\Intermediate/Android/APK\gradle\rungradle.bat" :app:assembleDebug UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): (see C:\Users\Mihai \AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Epic+Games+UE_4.21\Log.txt for full exception trace) PackagingResults: Error: cmd.exe failed with args /c "D:\Epic Games\Unreal Projects\BroBotsApp\Intermediate/Android/APK\gradle\runAndreigradle.bat" :app:assembleDebug UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown) UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): BUILD FAILED PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error
hat tip this person: GitLab Android SDK Build-Tools 25.0.1 and Android SDK Platform 25 license problem...I have added GitLab CI configuration file to my repository as described in this article -up-gitlab-ci-for-android-projects . But I am getting these warnings: ``` Checking the license for package Android...
Hi Marc,I have started having this issue while trying to run my ionic application using cordova run android from the command line. I have tried the license fix excepting it multiple times but I still receive the error. Here is what it looks like:
This release now targets the latest Android API level of API 26 and has fixed issues related to the Android SDK Tools 26.0.2 release. Google changed how the Android emulator was executed, causing errors when deploying to the emulator.
cd $ANDROID_SDK_ROOTFirst, go to the root directory of Android SDK installation. On Windows you might also type:cd %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT%Remember! You should only proceed to the next step if only you already in the root directory of Android SDK.
Now, from rootdir of Android SDK, locate the package you've downloaded and then extract the package based on your OS.Make sure to change the /path/to/ with absolute path that points to actual downloaded package file location on your local disk.
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r33.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/33.0.1 && cd build-tools/33.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 33.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r33.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/33.0.1 && cd build-tools/33.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 33.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r33.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/33.0.1 && cd build-tools/33.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 33.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r33-linux.zip -d build-tools/33.0.0 && cd build-tools/33.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 33.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r33-macosx.zip -d build-tools/33.0.0 && cd build-tools/33.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 33.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r33-windows.zip -d build-tools/33.0.0 && cd build-tools/33.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 33.0.0 on windows
[windows Only]unzip path/to/21014bc1a76d38d0dcb79b3b3f49f40ea5a53c10.build-tools_r32.1-rc1-windows.zip -d build-tools/32.1.0-rc1 && cd build-tools/32.1.0-rc1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 32.1.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r32.1-rc1-linux.zip -d build-tools/32.1.0-rc1 && cd build-tools/32.1.0-rc1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 32.1.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/c165e9b235479731f416c7aea22d065819c7ce23.build-tools_r32.1-rc1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/32.1.0-rc1 && cd build-tools/32.1.0-rc1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 32.1.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/210b77e4bc623bd4cdda4dae790048f227972bd2.build-tools_r32-windows.zip -d build-tools/32.0.0 && cd build-tools/32.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 32.0.0 on windows
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/5219cc671e844de73762e969ace287c29d2e14cd.build-tools_r32-macosx.zip -d build-tools/32.0.0 && cd build-tools/32.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 32.0.0 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r32-linux.zip -d build-tools/32.0.0 && cd build-tools/32.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 32.0.0 on linux
[windows Only]unzip path/to/09489e417c0a266f2862ddd82b4ac29a1b7af55e.build-tools_r31-windows.zip -d build-tools/31.0.0 && cd build-tools/31.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 31.0.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r31-linux.zip -d build-tools/31.0.0 && cd build-tools/31.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 31.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/d32e21a8aa8492ef8b86a489f601da425842b5da.build-tools_r31-macosx.zip -d build-tools/31.0.0 && cd build-tools/31.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 31.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/91936d4ee3ccc839f0addd53c9ebf087b1e39251.build-tools_r30.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/30.0.3 && cd build-tools/30.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.3 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/30.0.3 && cd build-tools/30.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/f6d24b187cc6bd534c6c37604205171784ac5621.build-tools_r30.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/30.0.3 && cd build-tools/30.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.3 on macosx
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/5a6ceea22103d8dec989aefcef309949c0c42f1d.build-tools_r30.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/30.0.2 && cd build-tools/30.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.2 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/30.0.2 && cd build-tools/30.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.2 on linux
[windows Only]unzip path/to/efbaa277338195608aa4e3dbd43927e97f60218c.build-tools_r30.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/30.0.2 && cd build-tools/30.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/30.0.1 && cd build-tools/30.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/30.0.1 && cd build-tools/30.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/30.0.1 && cd build-tools/30.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30-linux.zip -d build-tools/30.0.0 && cd build-tools/30.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30-macosx.zip -d build-tools/30.0.0 && cd build-tools/30.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r30-windows.zip -d build-tools/30.0.0 && cd build-tools/30.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 30.0.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/29.0.3 && cd build-tools/29.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/29.0.3 && cd build-tools/29.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.3 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/29.0.3 && cd build-tools/29.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.3 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/29.0.2 && cd build-tools/29.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.2 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/29.0.2 && cd build-tools/29.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/29.0.2 && cd build-tools/29.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/29.0.1 && cd build-tools/29.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/29.0.1 && cd build-tools/29.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/29.0.1 && cd build-tools/29.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29-linux.zip -d build-tools/29.0.0 && cd build-tools/29.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29-macosx.zip -d build-tools/29.0.0 && cd build-tools/29.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r29-windows.zip -d build-tools/29.0.0 && cd build-tools/29.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 29.0.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/28.0.3 && cd build-tools/28.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/28.0.3 && cd build-tools/28.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.3 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/28.0.3 && cd build-tools/28.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.3 on windows
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/28.0.2 && cd build-tools/28.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.2 on windows
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/28.0.2 && cd build-tools/28.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.2 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/28.0.2 && cd build-tools/28.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.2 on linux
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/28.0.1 && cd build-tools/28.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/28.0.1 && cd build-tools/28.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/28.0.1 && cd build-tools/28.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28-linux.zip -d build-tools/28.0.0 && cd build-tools/28.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28-macosx.zip -d build-tools/28.0.0 && cd build-tools/28.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r28-windows.zip -d build-tools/28.0.0 && cd build-tools/28.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 28.0.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/27.0.3 && cd build-tools/27.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/27.0.3 && cd build-tools/27.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.3 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/27.0.3 && cd build-tools/27.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.3 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/27.0.2 && cd build-tools/27.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.2 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/27.0.2 && cd build-tools/27.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/27.0.2 && cd build-tools/27.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/27.0.1 && cd build-tools/27.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/27.0.1 && cd build-tools/27.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/27.0.1 && cd build-tools/27.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27-linux.zip -d build-tools/27.0.0 && cd build-tools/27.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27-macosx.zip -d build-tools/27.0.0 && cd build-tools/27.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r27-windows.zip -d build-tools/27.0.0 && cd build-tools/27.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 27.0.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/26.0.3 && cd build-tools/26.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/26.0.3 && cd build-tools/26.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.3 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/26.0.3 && cd build-tools/26.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.3 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/26.0.2 && cd build-tools/26.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.2 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/26.0.2 && cd build-tools/26.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/26.0.2 && cd build-tools/26.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/26.0.1 && cd build-tools/26.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/26.0.1 && cd build-tools/26.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/26.0.1 && cd build-tools/26.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.1 on windows
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26-windows.zip -d build-tools/26.0.0 && cd build-tools/26.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.0 on windows
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26-macosx.zip -d build-tools/26.0.0 && cd build-tools/26.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.0 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r26-linux.zip -d build-tools/26.0.0 && cd build-tools/26.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 26.0.0 on linux
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/25.0.3 && cd build-tools/25.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/25.0.3 && cd build-tools/25.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.3 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/25.0.3 && cd build-tools/25.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.3 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/25.0.2 && cd build-tools/25.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.2 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/25.0.2 && cd build-tools/25.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/25.0.2 && cd build-tools/25.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/25.0.1 && cd build-tools/25.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/25.0.1 && cd build-tools/25.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/25.0.1 && cd build-tools/25.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25-linux.zip -d build-tools/25.0.0 && cd build-tools/25.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25-macosx.zip -d build-tools/25.0.0 && cd build-tools/25.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r25-windows.zip -d build-tools/25.0.0 && cd build-tools/25.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 25.0.0 on windows
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/24.0.3 && cd build-tools/24.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.3 on windows
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/24.0.3 && cd build-tools/24.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.3 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/24.0.3 && cd build-tools/24.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.3 on linux
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/24.0.2 && cd build-tools/24.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.2 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/24.0.2 && cd build-tools/24.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/24.0.2 && cd build-tools/24.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.2 on windows
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/24.0.1 && cd build-tools/24.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.1 on windows
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/24.0.1 && cd build-tools/24.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.1 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/24.0.1 && cd build-tools/24.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.1 on linux
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24-linux.zip -d build-tools/24.0.0 && cd build-tools/24.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24-macosx.zip -d build-tools/24.0.0 && cd build-tools/24.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r24-windows.zip -d build-tools/24.0.0 && cd build-tools/24.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 24.0.0 on windows
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.3-windows.zip -d build-tools/23.0.3 && cd build-tools/23.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.3 on windows
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.3-macosx.zip -d build-tools/23.0.3 && cd build-tools/23.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.3 on macosx
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.3-linux.zip -d build-tools/23.0.3 && cd build-tools/23.0.3 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.3 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/23.0.2 && cd build-tools/23.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/23.0.2 && cd build-tools/23.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/23.0.2 && cd build-tools/23.0.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.2 on linux
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/23.0.1 && cd build-tools/23.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/23.0.1 && cd build-tools/23.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r23.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/23.0.1 && cd build-tools/23.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 23.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r22.0.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/22.0.1 && cd build-tools/22.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 22.0.1 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r22.0.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/22.0.1 && cd build-tools/22.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 22.0.1 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r22.0.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/22.0.1 && cd build-tools/22.0.1 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 22.0.1 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r21.1.2-linux.zip -d build-tools/21.1.2 && cd build-tools/21.1.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 21.1.2 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r21.1.2-macosx.zip -d build-tools/21.1.2 && cd build-tools/21.1.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 21.1.2 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r21.1.2-windows.zip -d build-tools/21.1.2 && cd build-tools/21.1.2 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 21.1.2 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r20-linux.zip -d build-tools/20.0.0 && cd build-tools/20.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 20.0.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r20-macosx.zip -d build-tools/20.0.0 && cd build-tools/20.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 20.0.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r20-windows.zip -d build-tools/20.0.0 && cd build-tools/20.0.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 20.0.0 on windows
[linux Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r19.1-linux.zip -d build-tools/19.1.0 && cd build-tools/19.1.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 19.1.0 on linux
[macosx Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r19.1-macosx.zip -d build-tools/19.1.0 && cd build-tools/19.1.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 19.1.0 on macosx
[windows Only]unzip path/to/build-tools_r19.1-windows.zip -d build-tools/19.1.0 && cd build-tools/19.1.0 && mv android-*/* . && rm -rf android-* extract the package archive as-is from the root SDK directory, to install version 19.1.0 on windows